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Editorials & Random Thoughts

The Danger of Red Flag laws.

This is a cautionary tale about a possible scenario spawning from a Red Flag, also known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), prompted firearm confiscation. I found this on several sites without an author attributed, but as far as I can tell it originated this past August from a member of the Sean Hannity forums. (community.hannity.com/t/red-flag-laws-here-s-what-will-happen/201994)– Matt […]

“The glorious exploits of the only rifle you’ll ever need.” by Nick

Much like history, in that everything before 1776 was a mistake, all firearms development before 1922 and after 1936 is a mistake. What firearm am I talking about you may ask? Why, the development and adoption of the M1 Garand of course… If you aren’t familiar with the M1 Garand by now, you’re probably a filthy communist. […]

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